Facebook test: posting via 3rd party apps

When a few Facebook posts flopped (reach in the 10-30 range, when our average was in the 350s) on one of the accounts I manage (Seriously! a movie about play), we wondered what the heck happened. My first guess was that our followers were interacting with Facebook later in the day than previously, and this…

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Quick testing tips from traditional direct response marketing

In my previous life as an associate account executive at an advertising agency, my days were filled with performance metrics. I spent hours in Excel, even the most creative of team brainstorming sessions included discussions of analytics, and I dreamed in test-control scenarios. Our agency was a bit unique, in that we had a sister…

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Facebook test: posting later in the day

I’ve been managing the social media accounts for an upcoming documentary (Seriously! a movie about play) for about six months now, and in February my client and I noticed that a few Facebook posts really flopped (reach in the 10-30 range, when our average was in the 350s). The type and quality of posts didn’t seem…

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Social media analytics

I think in another life I could have been an economist. Data makes me feel safe and happy. Luckily, marketing is full of data, and if you treat social media as one of your marketing channels, it, too can provide a delicious data-splosion for you. What metrics to track is up to you, and should…

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Screenshot of Media@IU website


In an effort to solidify the community of students, professors and professionals studying and creating media around the Indiana University campus, a group of professors hatched the Media@IU project. In the fall of 2011, I worked with two other graduate students to give the project a tangible home: a website that brought together media-related courses,…

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Social media recommendations for WTIU

As additional coursework, I wrote a recommendation paper for Bloomington’s local PBS station to act as a guideline for their social media accounts. Based on industry research, best practices among similar organizations, and personal insights, the paper outlined goals that may be accomplished through social media, implementation suggestions, and brief comparative case studies of four…

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