In an effort to solidify the community of students, professors and professionals studying and creating media around the Indiana University campus, a group of professors hatched the Media@IU project. In the fall of 2011, I worked with two other graduate students to give the project a tangible home: a website that brought together media-related courses, student clubs, campus resources and local businesses. After creating a resource database that included over 700 courses across 17 different departments, my team worked with website designers to create a site that was easy-to-use while visually appealing. To ensure the future development of the website and larger community, we wrote a vision document accompanied by a marketing plan with the goal of promoting the site and generating user input.
In the spring of 2012, we continued to refine and improve the site based on user feedback, and created a social media marketing plan as part of a course on digital marketing. And the end of the semester, we hosted a reception with the interim Provost of Indiana University to present the website and project goals to the larger community of IU professors and graduate students involved in media research and production.
Read more:
- process blog:
- goals and direction of the project: Vision document
See it in action:
- website: