In my graduate program a few years ago, I took a course on Social Network Sites. For our final paper and presentation, we were asked to keep a social network site diary–recording which sites we used, how often, and how. Yes, this was a graduate-level course. I didn’t learn any great truths about my social…
Read MoreTime planning tools
Time management is your best friend. Your savior. Your money-maker. Especially in creative projects, and doubly-especially for freelancers–because where you spend your hours will literally define how much money you’ll have at the end of the month (or the project, or whatever your billing schedule is). Even if no one but you will ever see…
Read MoreMusic rights 101
Music rights and permissions are complicated, and I’m no expert, but I put together a quick rundown of what I know about music rights for my own use, and maybe it’ll be useful to someone else so here it is. If you’re working on a project that needs music, this should help clarify what kind…
Read MoreCase study: PBS station social media
While writing a social media strategy document for my local PBS station–WTIU–I did a case study comparing the social media presence and apparent strategy of four PBS affiliate stations. Why you might read this: I know, it’s pretty long, but hey–there are lots of pretty graphs you can scan. It might give you ideas about…
Read MoreAs Long As We Keep Telling documentary
In the first half of a two-part documentary course, I researched and developed a 30-minute project, finally pitching the idea to classmates, the instructor, and the programming director of the local PBS station. My project was chosen, with two others, out of 16 ideas to be produced in the second half of the course (taking…
Read MoreMedia@IU
In an effort to solidify the community of students, professors and professionals studying and creating media around the Indiana University campus, a group of professors hatched the Media@IU project. In the fall of 2011, I worked with two other graduate students to give the project a tangible home: a website that brought together media-related courses,…
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